b:include data='blog' name='all-head-content'/> THE WORLD'S LONGEST CAT- 2WIDE.BLOGSPOT.COM | 2WIDE-AMAZING THINGS


July 13, 2011

Hi everyone, I will give a narrative of a cat following the world's longest coverage.

A cat in Reno, Nevada, United States won the title as the cat with the longest body in the world. Maine Coon cat type has a length of 123.2 inches is measured from head to tip of tail.

The Longest Cat on Earth!

Stewie, the name of the cat, the pet belongs to Robin Henderson and Erik Brandsness. Cats are now recorded in the Guinness World Records 2011 as the world's longest domestic cat was beating the previous record for the longest cat with a difference of only 1.3 centimeters.

Hendrickson and new Brandsness courage to name her cat to join the event broke the world record after everyone expressed amazement with the cat's body.
what you believe? (report by 2wide.blogspot.com).

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