b:include data='blog' name='all-head-content'/> COCONUT TREE BRANCHED SIX | 2WIDE-AMAZING THINGS


July 16, 2011

COCONUT TREE SIX branched believe you? Never guess if the seed planted 50 years ago it would grow strange. Branched coconut tree 6 in Ponpes Al Barnawi is believed as a gesture to follow the Wali Songo.

cottage Al-Barnawi Kebonharjo Village, District Jatirogo, Kiai Fatkurahman stated that the coconut tree obtained from one of the kiai in Jepara, Central Java, Indonesia.

"The seed is actually normal as any other tree. But while growing up branches. So today we are treated well, "he said when met at the cottage detiksurabaya.com, Friday (5/6/2009).

Branch number 6 is regarded as a gesture Fatkurahman Kiai. "The number of branches that signal if we have to follow the lead Wali Songo in developing Islam in Java," he explained ..

He said, coconuts from the tree is also often used as a cure for those stricken with illness due to exposure possessed by spirits or witchcraft. In the interest of the cottage as well, the fruit is sold to the public at a price of Rp 50,000 per seed.

Strange coconut tree is now maintained cottage in turns so that students are not tampered with or stolen. Babysitting is because there are rumors that states if it will be able to steal the fruit can be used to pelaris business.

"There are some people who believe, if successful steal old coconuts can be used victimizing. Reportedly to smooth the business, "said Sukirno, residents around the cabin when found.

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