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July 16, 2011 | 0 comments

Do you believe phiton snake can eat an adult human? this is really happening in the world. locations in Indonesia (Southeast Asia), discovered by a farmer who would go into the garden on the way to the woods to see seeor Phiton snake who was eating some of the human body, with the anxiety he soon let them know where the snake into the surrounding communities to find out what true that the snake ate Phiton is human, with the snake with the community is secured to a village office for an autopsy by the police.

Now the photograph and the snake was in a museum in the city of Yogyakarta, Indonesia.




COCONUT TREE SIX branched believe you? Never guess if the seed planted 50 years ago it would grow strange. Branched coconut tree 6 in Ponpes Al Barnawi is believed as a gesture to follow the Wali Songo.

cottage Al-Barnawi Kebonharjo Village, District Jatirogo, Kiai Fatkurahman stated that the coconut tree obtained from one of the kiai in Jepara, Central Java, Indonesia.

"The seed is actually normal as any other tree. But while growing up branches. So today we are treated well, "he said when met at the cottage detiksurabaya.com, Friday (5/6/2009).

Branch number 6 is regarded as a gesture Fatkurahman Kiai. "The number of branches that signal if we have to follow the lead Wali Songo in developing Islam in Java," he explained ..

He said, coconuts from the tree is also often used as a cure for those stricken with illness due to exposure possessed by spirits or witchcraft. In the interest of the cottage as well, the fruit is sold to the public at a price of Rp 50,000 per seed.

Strange coconut tree is now maintained cottage in turns so that students are not tampered with or stolen. Babysitting is because there are rumors that states if it will be able to steal the fruit can be used to pelaris business.

"There are some people who believe, if successful steal old coconuts can be used victimizing. Reportedly to smooth the business, "said Sukirno, residents around the cabin when found.

The Hand Resist Him, Painting Derelict Invisibility Phenomenon

July 15, 2011 | 0 comments

It is said that in this world there is a cursed painting. This news has spread worldwide since the first, the title of his painting 'The Hand Resist Him' (THRH).

THRH or also known as the eBay Haunted Painting is a painting made ​​by Bill Stoneham in 1972 epidemic, in this painting, he depicts a small boy standing in front of a glass door with her ​​doll, in many hands are stuck to the door.

According to Bill, the little boy in the painting is itself at the age of 5 years, the door is a separator between the real world and dream world and the doll itself as a guide who escorted the little boy. While the hands are stuck to the doors depict the life of another.

This painting is getting to be 'Urband legend' since in the post to eBay in February 2000. This painting was first exhibited at the Gallery Los Angeles in the 1970s, THRH eventually fell into the hands of actor John Marley, he is best known for his role as Jack Woltz in The Godfather.
After Marley died, the painting continued to change hands in California, until finally met at auction.

THRH appeared on auction site eBay in February 2000. According to the seller, the painting brings the curse. He said if the characters in the painting was moved at night, and sometimes missing from the painting into the house in the painting.

Sellers whose names are not known to also say that the character of female doll character threatened the man with the object he held, it makes the male characters leave the painting. He also said if he was not responsible for what happens next AAMA THRH buyer.

The news spread quickly on the internet, according to a person who has seen this painting, they feel uncomfortable and scared after seeing this painting. In eBay's own paintings are seen as many as 30 thousand times.

With a starting bid of only $ 199, THRH successfully sold $ 1.025. The buyer, a gallery owner in Grand Rapids, Michigan, contact Bill Stoneham associated with horror at the painting and spooky description on eBay. He said he was surprised by all the stories and strange interpretation of the painting.

Bill also said that if the owner of the gallery where THRH was first exhibited and critic who criticized the painting died less than a year after contact with this painting.

Bill is also a sequel of the painting whose title Resistance at the Threshold, which also looks a mystery.

In this painting, his sons were grown, broken-doll also been damaged. There has been no report whether this painting again haunt the new owners. It could also be a deliberate hoax Aaja just made so expensive painting sold.

Speaking about the paintings are inhabited, recently there is the phenomenon of life painting is no less scary, painting on clay just below.

This painting was made by a girl in Japan, it is said, after he completed a portrait of himself, then he committed suicide, that is no less scary, he said if we are painting clay 5 minutes then the picture would change.


July 14, 2011 | 0 comments

Hi everyone I will provide a narrative with historical facts, including a map of the ancient world are made ​​without the help of satellites or other advanced technologies, rely solely on the science of marine navigation results are decent 60% of the map east indies.

Indonesia country on the map to the left, most notably its standards kalimantan island of bulleted tu ga clear .. Quote to the right may mean western Irian and New Guinea .. because the words "nova gvinea" see picture above.


Do You Believe above facts ?


July 13, 2011 | 0 comments

We show you the video about the story of Oddities The laying eggs in the egg, this video is about the story of Oddities The laying eggs in the egg. For more info, please see the video here, only in 2wide.blogspot.com.
These events really happened. Maybe only a few times in this world. It's good for researchers to be able to solve this unique chronological events. And can be presented in public.

The following coverage :



Hi everyone, I will give a narrative of a cat following the world's longest coverage.

A cat in Reno, Nevada, United States won the title as the cat with the longest body in the world. Maine Coon cat type has a length of 123.2 inches is measured from head to tip of tail.

The Longest Cat on Earth!

Stewie, the name of the cat, the pet belongs to Robin Henderson and Erik Brandsness. Cats are now recorded in the Guinness World Records 2011 as the world's longest domestic cat was beating the previous record for the longest cat with a difference of only 1.3 centimeters.

Hendrickson and new Brandsness courage to name her cat to join the event broke the world record after everyone expressed amazement with the cat's body.
what you believe? (report by 2wide.blogspot.com).
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